You Can't Add by Subtraction

by Virginia (5-P-1) FPE

This may seem like an odd title but it will become clearer later on. Susanna and I agreed to devote both of our columns this month to the problem of transsexuality vs. transvestism. She cleverly used my comments on the Allen Burke show to lead in- to the subject. And in passing I must give her my thanks for her kind words about my appear- ance on the show. Judging by the mail received it was well worth it as many new TVs crawled out of the closet to write for further information.

But to get to the subject of transsexuality - I have felt for sometime that an editorial devoted to this subject was in order, but other things kept taking precedence. Now that it is becoming somewhat easier to accomplish the surgery (New York, Baltimore, Los Angeles, Tia Juana to mention a few besides Casa- blanca) more customers turn up. At least half a doz- en former readers of TVia that I can think of right off hand have already had the surgery and several others are awaiting their turn. While it makes me happy that more members of themedical profession are rising above their Victorian bigotry regarding such surgery, the number of persons asking for and achiev- ing it does not make me happy.

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When I say "make me happy", I'm not referring to rejoicing but to my feeling of concern. disturbed might be a better way to phrase it. Let me make it clear right here, however, that 1) I know